We offer...

Sound triggers emotions. We develop auditory mediation experiences for museums, urban spaces or home. Location-based, interactive and immersive. From interactive audio-stories to audio-augmented reality.

Mediation means engaging in conversation and responding to the interests of visitors. We develop digital dialogic mediation formats. For example, avatar-based storytelling, non-linear storytelling or voice-based applications. 

We bridge analog and digital in our concepts and design user-centered, holistic visitor experiences. From the initial idea to the finished visitor experience. 

How does a successful holistic experience for your cultural institution look like? We support you in developing your strategy and guide you through the jungle of digital possibilities. 

From concept-workshop, further training on digital mediation of art and culture or joint experimentation in a mediation-lab or hackathon. We work directly with your team. At your premises or online. We are using methods such as design thinking and visitor experience design

As external product owners, we support you in the agile implementation of your software projects in the cultural sector. From requirement engineering to the rollout of projects.

DocVideoBox - interactive collection of stories

Together with WeTellMedia we are developing the DocVideoBox.  With the DocVideoBox, museums, archives or communities can collect stories from many different groups and participants in a way that is easy to use. Directly on the participants' own devices or via interactive stations. Independent of location and time. As video or audio. 


We support you from conceptualisation to the development of catching experiences around oral (hi)stories.


Learn more about the DocVideoBox >

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